Tuesday, 5 April 2011

The Simple Things

Sometimes the simplest things can be amazing, like a massive cardboard recycling box that turns up at school for old clothes... what could be more fun! 

This morning in my free Rachel and I helped Dan to build a big card board box that he got donated to him so his D of E group could collect people's old clothes so they can get money from them so they can give the money to a school in Africa that they are going to visit. 

Dan told me that the box was big... but I didn't realise HOW big until we went out to get it in flat pack version and the box was more or less the width of my armspan and it was as tall as my chest (ish). We started building it in the commin room and I was immediately dying to get in it! I mean, who wouldn't want to get inside a big box... 

Graeme had the same idea as me and actually did get in it. One we pushed it through the door (with a bit of force) we put it with all their other recycling stuff (minus Graeme) and after being told it was a 'fire hazard' we moved it to the IB centre later during the day! When we walked in Lauren immediately was asking to get in it... so we removed the bottom so she could get in and then put her in it... 

A little while after this we were told that is was still a fire hazard so we started to dimantle it... I of course go inside it at this point... 
But then we were told to leave it there for the time being so we then put it back up again. I thought it might be funny to get inside it one morning and jump out every time someone walked past! Perhaps we should do that!

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