For those of you who have no idea what this is (like me, until I found out yesterday), it is basically you being able to recognise that you are in a dream and then maybe being able to control it.
I had heard about lucid dreaming last week, as my TOK teacher mentioned it but I had no idea what it actually was, so I thought no more of it. Coincidently, yesterday I logged onto Youtube to find that one of the people are subscribe to had made a video called 'How To Control Your Dreams', so I was intrigued and I watched it.
The video was basically all about how he had seen a video on lucid dreaming and decided to try it, and it worked. Naturally, I clicked the link for the video he had seen and watched it. It tells you to count your fingers throughout the day or try and put your finger through the palm of your hand. This is because if you do this enough then it will become natural and you will be more likely to do this in your dream. In your dream, it is apparently impossible to count your fingers and if you try to put your finger through your palm then it will go straight through.
The video also talks about getting up 90 minutes earlier than your usual waking up time as this will increase alertness or something, I can't remember. Anyway, I ignored that one because I thought 'screw getting up earlier' as I am not one for waking up at my normal time anyway. Plus, it's half term so I don't have a waking up time!
After I saw the video I thought I would give it a go so I counted my fingers from time to time and occasionally tried to put my finger through my palm, like a complete crazy person. And before I went to bed I told myself that 'I would remember my dream'. And just as I thought I was on the verge of falling asleep, I counted my fingers a few times more.
I didn't expect it to work at all but... in my dream I was with someone (but have no idea who) walking along a road, and I put my hand up and tried to put my finger through my palm. It went through!!! I must have realise because I opened my eyes and I was very briefly awake again, but I promptly shut them, as I wanted to see what would happen.
All I remember was trying to make myself fly within my dream but it wasn't working as myself and the unknown person I was with went into a kitchen (I think) and then from that point on, I am a little hazy about what exactly happened.
I'm quite excited that I have reached the first stage of being able to recognize I am in a dream and I will of course, try it again.
I was on my way to the dentist this afternoon with my brother and sister, counting my fingers along the way. James asked my what I was counting, I smiled and replied 'my fingers' as I didn't want to sound like a complete weirdo. Although that probably had the opposite effect. I just couldn't be bothered to explain to him at that point. Well now he knows... when he reads this anyway.
Link to the Youtube video I saw:
Link to the Youtube video about Lucid dreaming:
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