Saturday, 16 April 2011

Britain's Got Talent

This evening was the return of Britain's Got Talent. However, this year instead of Simon Cowell and Piers Morgan, we have David Hassellhoff and Michael McIntyre, which proved to be quite a nice change, as both of them are hilarious. And Amanda, of course was lovely as always, doing her classic over-the-head seal clapping, which I always find amusing.

I read Closer magazine the other day that Michael was a little reluctant to use his buzzer, as he felt bad and Amanda has had to tell him to 'grow a pair', or something along those lines. When watching the show tonight I did find it amusing watching Michael's face as I could tell he was absolutely dying to press his buzzer, and he even kept retracting his hands. At one point there was a man who had painted himself gold, I can't remember what he was doing but Michael was first to buzz! The gold man stood up and stormed off stage and didn't even talk to Ant and Dec. David and Amanda obviously joked with Michael about it.

This show never fails to amuse me, there was some real talent this evening, and some things were just... weird, or just rubbish. But what would Britain's Got Talent be without all of the deluded nutters that appear on there. It would be... rubbish! The auditions are usually my favourite bits, as I actually enjoy watching all of the nutty people, they're my favourite! It's what Britain is all about! 

Anyway, here is a list of some of the weird, the wonderful and the complete rubbish:
  • Harmonica woman - She was the first act of the show, and of course she was completely mental (in the nicest possible way). She was convinced that Amanda was Joanna Lumley, so Michael joked that he was Simon Cowell, which was really funny. I wasn't sure whether she put it on or not. I found a link on YouTube actually, go watch here, it's hilarious!
  • The Woman and her 2 dogs - Wow, they were amazing!! So cute! The dogs were pretty much in sync with each other the whole way through, which was really surprising as I can imagine it's hard to get them to do that! Anyway, I love them.
  • David Knight, the 9 year old comedian - He was... adorable! He was so natural on stage, just charming the audience. Bless him. He was asked who makes him laugh on TV, he replied 'Harry Hill...' and there was Michael pointing at himself and shouting 'hey, I'm judging you' and when he didn't hear his name he pressed his buzzer! That bit just made me laugh!! 
  • Blair, the dolphin man - Rubbish, but made me giggle. 
  • Hula hoop woman - Watching her facial expressions was funny any enough for me, although... that wasn't meant to be the act. 
  • Steven Hall - Probably one of my favourites! Yes, he was rubbish... but in a good way. He was rubbish in a way that made me laugh! This is one is self explanatory so just click here for a YouTube link. I highly doubt that he will make it very far, but I thank him for making me laugh, he was hilarious!
  • Michael Collings - He is a perfect example about why we shouldn't judge people before we actual know them, or what they do. I don't think many people had high hopes for him, including the judges, who were making jokes about his clothes. But he really was talented! Again, click here for a link to YouTube if you want to see. 
  • Antonio Popeye - He isn't called Popeye for nothing! His 'talent' of popping his eyes out a bit had me completely speechless at first and then after seeing it a few times, made me feel a bit sick. Unique talent though! 

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