Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Summer is Calling!

These last few days I have been really surprised that the weather has actually been pretty decent, for a change. I've been sitting outside to eat my lunch rather than sitting in the hall, which is a very nice change as the hall is absolutely freezing! I am pretty sure that it is actually colder in the hall than it is inside.

I was sat outside at break with some friends and I was really enjoying being in the sun so in my free Dan and I sat outside for 10 minutes, then went inside to count DVDs for a collection Dan and other people are doing to raise money to go to Africa for the D of E and while he was entering details into the computer I did my biology work that I had to do then afterwards we went back outside to sit on a bench in the grassy area (which is a park, apparently...) for the last part of our free.

It was very nice sitting outside just enjoying the heat of the sun and talking about how nice it will be to go to the beach in the summer! I honestly can't wait, summer is calling my name and I just want to go and jump in the sea. Actually, thinking about it much had been around this time last year that I went in the sea for the first time. I'm pretty sure it was in April and it was absolutely freezing, but it was nice at the same time. 

I can not wait until the summer really start so I can go to the beach all the time. I hope it is a good summer, so I can go as much a possible because the beach is my favourite place ever and I can get out my beach ball again. I had to get a new one this year because the sea swallowed my pink one :( but it's all good because the one I got it bigger and better so really, it was kind of a good thing. 

P.S. Dan has been nagging me to feature our games of slaps in one of my blogs. I'm not really sure why or when we started playing slaps but basically we now play it any time really, just to fill time when we are doing nothing. Both our hands end up looking a bit red but it doesn't hurt so that's alright. Although Dan cheats and doesn't give me time to get back after I pull away... cheat! 
It started off that I was really good and Dan could barely ever get a turn, but then I kind of lost my touch and my reactions were terrible! But it alright because I seem to have got my touch back and I'm back in game! Beware Dan...

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