Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Curly Wurly Spaghetti

I'm sure you are all familiar spaghetti, and equally familiar with curly wurlys (the chocolate bar.) But, I ask you, are you familiar with them together? 

No? Well why not! 

You're now probably sitting there at your computer, or whatever other devices you are using to read this (I am incredibly jealous of all those read off of an iPad, but that's not the point) thinking that I have gone completely and utterly mad. Ballistic. Craaazy!

Well, maybe I have a little but then I suppose that happened a long while ago! Anyway, onto the real subject of today's blog...

As some of you may know, I have a friend (yes, a friend), called Maddy, who makes Youtube videos. Since she started out making the videos I have been trying to convince her to eat a bowl of spaghetti using a curly wurly for her cutlery. Up until now she has refused to do it, even though she was tempted. 

Just over 2 weeks ago now, she made THIS video about her challenge series, which she is starting up. In it she mentions how she wouldn't do my challenge... UNLESS I commented about it and it got lots of thumbs up (by lots, she means about 20.)

Well, it seems that Maddy finally budged and took up my AWESOME challenge! She uploaded it to Youtube the other day and it was absolutely hilarious!! Click HERE for a link to the video, and have a look at her other ones too! It's so funny, and I feel proud of my challenge! 

I apologise in advance for her chav-tastic way that Maddy says "spaghetti"... or rather "spaghe'i"

I do have some other EXTREMELY exciting news... but I will wait until it is official until I announce it!!