What's official? You want to know? Well... I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!!! Woooooo!!! I'm soooo pleased! I really wasn't sure this morning whether I would pass or not, but I did... that's all that matters!
The last few nights I have been dreaming about driving and it has be driving (ha ha) me mad!! On Friday I dreamt that my sister's friend was driving my mum's car. She was texting at the same time, which made her go off road, run over a rabbit and crash the car. Nice. No one died though - all good! Saturday Night was incredibly annoying as it was stopping me sleeping, so it took me AGES to actually drift off and then I kept waking up throughout the night! Last night, it took me a while to drift off again but I don't think I woke up really!
I'm glad it's over now because I have been getting really nervous about it - but it really wasn't that bad to be honest. My driving instructor advised me to have a good breakfast and preferably eat a banana, as it is supposed to calm nerves! I did both, and I actually think it works... honestly!
I had an hour and a bit of driving before my test, which also helped to calm my nerves and clear up a few things too! Then we went to the test centre... dun dun daaaaah!!
After signing the little thing I needed to, I answered my 2 show me/tell me questions and then got in the car... show time!! Eeek!
Overall, the drive was pretty good! I nearly did make a major booboo but managed to sort it out just in time, phew!!!! I had to do reverse left on a wide bend for my manoeuvre, which went well. We had practised that just before the test so that was good! I also had to do the emergency stop... now this, I was nervous about because I had pressed the wrong pedal first twice before and I so desperately wanted to get it right! Thank God I did!!! We then went back to the test centre and he told me I had passed, with 6 minors, and gave me the test sheet and my certificate. He then told me where I went wrong. I knew where they were but I didn't care too much because I had passed and I was far too preoccupied with thinking about that!
The examiner was nice, so that was good. He was a little too chatty for my liking though, as I was really trying to concentrate! But I suppose that is better than sitting in complete silence, because that would be so nerve racking! He was telling me weird stuff, like his daughter dressing up as a dinosaur for her children... and also about a so-called paedophile that we saw while driving! Weird!
Once I got home I really didn't feel any rush to get back to school so I got the phone and called a few people... only one of which answered (my Mum). She knew I would be phoning and answered the phone with a very questioning 'hello?' rather than 'hello this is Karina talking from blah blah blah' whatever she says.
I decided to answer with a very quiet, sad sounding, 'hello' to which my mum replied 'are you ok?' and I said 'err yeah... I PASSED' and then of course she said something like 'aaah yaaay well done, I'm so proud of you' and all that jazz!! After I finished my chat with her and failed to get hold of anyone else I phoned, I got a phone call from a friend of mine, Moritz, congratulating me, which was lovely!
I then wrote a text and then sent it to a fairly big group of people and of course posted the news on facebook! Then I fed the cat and went to get the bus. When I got into town I was thirsty so I wasted more time in going to Tesco to buy a drink. I got into school at 11.30am in the end, which was about the time I thought I would get there anyway!
Most people had already heard that I had passed my test by the time I got to school, so there was no need for me to shout it out, I wouldn't have anyway! Mel said 'OMG Steph you passed your test, well done!' and I said 'how do you know' and she said '... you posted it on facebook' - I had completely forgotten!!
After lunch the day was a bit crap... did my maths test (hard) and then had an after school French exam which was just ridiculously hard!!! Anyway... I don't care, I passed my frikin driving test and I'm so so so so pleased!!!!