Wednesday, 23 February 2011

My Cat is Awesome

After my last blog, which I literally post 2 minutes before starting this one, I thought that I should share with you how awesome my cat is as she hasn't really ever got much of a mention. How mean of me. I'm ashamed. Well not really... 

This is a picture when she was just a little ball of kitten fluffiness! Adorable! Some of you will know that her name is Amy, or Bubbychops (if you're my mum.) A lot of people ask me why we gave her a 'human name.' Well, I don't really know. The name suited her and we didn't want to go with anything typical for a black and white cat, like Socks, even though they are such cute names!

(This beautiful photo was taken by my sister in the summer.) Amy is now 5 years old (6 next month) and A LOT bigger than in the previous picture! That doesn't make her any less cute though. Look at her, isn't she lovely. My mum thinks that she has 'a sexy bum' but we just tell her that she is weird... which is true! One of the reasons why my cat is so awesome is because she has got such an amazing character, I could literally just watch her all day! I love the way she gallops up the garden like a horse, the was she is persistent in trying to get into my brother's room even though she isn't allowed because James is a meany (heheh just as I was writing that I heard my brother say 'Amy!' as a way to make her stop going in his room as he was making a coffee), the way she gets into the strangest places just because she is a nosey cat and so much more!
I even like the game where she scratches at my door, I open the door and she is gone, close the door again and she scratches... it goes on!

In the summer we eat our roast dinner outside at the patio table and I came in for a drink to find Amy up on the side having a nice munch at the chicken. Naturally I left her there and got my phone for a picture, then got her down. She's just so cheeky.

(This was also taken by my sister) She literally plays with everything and anything... tin foil, sweet wrappers, shoe laces, coat toggles, my dressing gown belt, feet, news paper etc. Once when she was a kitten she even climbed up my nan's skirt while she was making a cup of coffee. I have to say that was hilarious.

(Another picture taken by my sister.) As you can see... she is so photogenic! Basically, she likes to bite. She likes to play games where you tickle her tummy and then she sort of fights back and bites my hand. It's cute and funny because sometimes she kicks herself in the head.

This last picture, taken by me, is added because it is funny. Whenever we go swimming or use certain products in our hair my cat likes to get on our heads and rub against the hair and lick it... I know, weird! It's really funny and feel quite odd! This picture just captures the moment perfectly! I do believe that we have a video of this in action while she is on my head somewhere so if we still have it I will add it when I find it!

While I was writing this Amy came and scratched my door... her ears must be burning or something.


  1. I liked this one :). Amys tongue on the last photo looks HA-MUGE! (huge in other words) :D
