Sunday, 4 December 2011

Advent Calendars

I think we all know by now that Christmas really is on it's way. The Christmas coca-cola advert is on show, advent calendars are in use, Christmas songs are on the radio and I don't know about you but I have recieved a Christmas card. 

I think I may have mentioned this last Christmas, but this year I decided I would eat my advent calendar backwards 24-1 instead this year so I could could down the days until Christmas, just to have a change. Well I have started to do this (btw there is no big chocolate in the whole thing so that didn't matter) and apparently on the first day of December it was 'one sleep to go' haha! And now it seems Christmas is getting further away, and my advent calendar this morning told me it was 4 sleeps to go. 

Now I know the term 'sleeps' is all cutesy but seriously... once your in your teens it isn't cute - it just makes you sound like a baby. There is nothing wrong with counting in days, although there is always the debate whether you should count the day you are currently on and whether you should count the day you are counting down to. But, that is besides the point. Basically, don't use the term 'sleeps' it is just horrible... let that be your lesson of today. 

Also, I don't know if it is just me but I used to remember getting my advent calendar and loving the sound it made. The sound was due to the foil but this year the tin foil seems to have changed and it isn't as crackly as it used to be. Also part of the fun as a child used to be ripping the tinfoil. It never used to stay in one bit, but that was part of the fun. The ones 'nowadays' (geez that makes me feel old) seem to be so easy and come off in one bit. And for me, it had kind of taken away part of the attraction of advent calendars. I mean, I love them and everything and I wouldn't not want one but they have seriously changed. 

Anyway, those are just some of the things I had noticed and thought I would share, don't know if anyone else feels the same but still. Hope you're all enjoying December so far. Can't wait to get some snooooow!!! *fingers crossed*

Thursday, 27 October 2011

How Life Changes When You Get a Dog

Just a little list I came up with about how your life changes when you get a dog:
  • You find yourself casually talking to them as if they are people, it's like cats really. You just say random stuff to them when you're not with anyone. It's great for when the house is empty, although when my sister hears me she thinks it's wierd. You can tell them anything, they won't understand a single word but they'll look at you as if they're listening... sometimes. 
  • You find yourself with mysterious stratches on your arms and legs, then remember it was from the dog jumping up or getting angry. Although that stage fizzles out. Thank God!
  • You find yourself ironically shouting 'quiet' at them when they are barking. I find that funny every time! Although I doubt this will be any different if you have children. 
  • You end up not being able to walk anywhere without people wanting to see the dog. It's cute because the dog loves it as much as the person. 
  • You find yourself having to apologise to people after your dog jumps up at them. Most don't mind but you get the occasional 'you will be, I hate dogs.' Ok, I've only got one of those. Most people don't mind at all. They generally say hello. 
  • You will talk in funny high pitch voices when talking to them. You'll sound ridiculous but you won't care but you can take the mick out of each other for it. 
  • You will find that all of your friends will want to be the first to see the puppy when you get it and you'll just end up having lots of visitors within the first few weeks. 
  • You might find a shrub or 2 looking a little sorry for themselves in the garden. 
Its great having a dog, I'm sure there are more things I could write here too, but I'll leave it there! I hope you liked it, thanks for reading! 

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Wow, I haven't written in ages!

So, I've been busy trying to find university courses, doing school work, procrastinating and other things and so have either forgotten or just not had inspiration write a blog! Sorry. 

I'll just do a little summary of things I have been doing:

  • I found the university that I REALLY want to go to, I love it! It's really nice and small, cosy, everyone knows each other. It's just generally lovely and the courses there sound really good too. So yeah, I'm really hoping to go there now. 
  • I made a cake shaped like a banana... but tastes like chocolate. If you read my blogs from aaaaages ago you'd probably get the Colin reference - it was for Dan's 18th! It was pretty good! Nice and tasty too. Well I was pleased with it anyway, as was Dan and everyone else who ate it. 
  • I also made a cake that looks like the YouTube logo for my YouTube freak of a friend, Maddy. I also made her a massive card and got lots of people to write messages and we made her a video with birthday messages etc too. Needless to say she loved it all! What made it even better was that I got one of her favourite YouTubers to record a little birthday message for me to put on there too! 
  • At the end of term, practically everyone was ill. Everyone was passing on colds and sore throats. I think I was one of the first to have it but man did my throat hurt! Never had one so bad. Although, honey tea saved the day! It is literally liquid magic - cures any sinus type stuff - remember that one! Probably the most useful thing I'll ever say. 
  • I've been looking after my 'little' pupsicle. Yes, that cute thing that I wrote about back in July... or June... I can't remember! Yeah well now it looks like Ella has eaten the 'little' pupsicle we once had! But nevertheless... I love her! She's the best thing ever - even when she does bite my bum! 
  • Ok, this one may sound a bit geeky. But... my brother let me play Minecraft and I've gotten in to it quite a bit, it is really good! At first the sound of the zombies and the spiders freaked me out so much so I put it on peaceful but now I have manned up and play it on easy atm... I'm working myself up! Only thing it... I HATE creepers... they blew me up when I was on my way home and I lost all my good stuff! Sucks! I want to get myself some wolves but I haven't been able to find them since I started one of my games but at that point I had no bones :/ ah well! I don't know anyone who plays it... I'm sure some do but I just don't know about them! 
Here are the pictures of the 2 cakes I said about:

Thanks for reading! 

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Art Courses

This afternoon after school, my sister and I were sitting at the kitchen table doing our homework. Zoe was doing some of her artwork and it made me think back to when I was doing my GCSE art 2 years ago and how I never really wanted to draw or paint the things they told me to. Yes, it was nice to have the guidance of what to do I suppose, otherwise I would have really been stuck. But then, I am not really an artist, I'm just thinking about the 'true artists' that were among those in my class. 

In my opinion I think that having a set structure for a subject in art actually restricts the 'true artists' from being able to work to the best of their abilities because art is something that is personal. Therefore, by giving a structure to something personal, this takes away a lot of the meaning and personality from the work. Perhaps one person is particularly good at drawing portraits and another at cartoon type things and therefore they might not be able to do well with the set topics they are given. For example, we had an African art topic where we studied patterns, masks, animals etc, but I think there were some people in the class that did struggle with this even though they really were good at art, but their OWN type of art. 

Perhaps what I am trying to say is the current structure for creative subjects does not give students the real ability to shine, which I think is a real shame. Zoe is doing well at art, I love the things she does and everything but she's rarely completely pleased with what she has done because she is such a perfectionist when it comes to art. I think she'd probably be happier if she was given a little more freedom to do what she wants, and not be limited to a topic that she may not like. 

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Online Shopping

The other day I logged on to facebook to find that I have been invited to Maddy's 18th birthday party, in which she clearly specified that dresses and suits must be worn. I obviously accepted but the thought of having to actually wear a dress kills me! Yes, I have worn them before at recent weddings etc but that was hard enough to find a dress that I actually liked and looked nice in. 

Even though this party is a month away, I thought it would be best to go and do a bit of online shopping to see if there was anything I liked the look of and I noticed a trend throughout the websites I looked at - the clothes models. They were all the 'perfect' size and therefore the pictures of the models in clothes are completely useless for anyone who is not the 'perfect' size as they have less of an idea whether the clothing would look any good on a slightly bigger person. Now I won't deny that I am not the 'perfect' size and I found it incredibly annoying because it means that I can't exactly shop online, as I am likely to be sending everything I buy back because the models give me no idea what so ever how it would look on a person a different size to the models.

I have no idea whether I am the only person that this annoys but it would be nice if there were a couple of different models for each bit of clothing, or at least a range of models used throughout the site, so that it would give people of different sizes a better idea of how it might look. But I suppose until they change I will go in store or deal with having to send everything back when it doesn't fit me... yeah I'll shop in store thanks! 

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Summer Goals and Back to School

Sooo, Monday was the day that I have been trying to forget about, back to school! How depressing. After such a lovely summer holidays I had to go back to school for another year. The only good thing about it was that I got to see all of my friends together again. And literally that was the only good thing. I won't go into it because it will bore you so instead I will just run through my summer goals and see what I actually did because I had forgotten what they were:
  • Go to the beach, but that goes without saying really. Hopefully the weather won't stop that one! - DONE, went a few times with friends/family and it was great... even took the pooch too.
  •  Finish Breaking Dawn as I haven't had time to read it. NOT DONE - to be honest I was more interested in Harry Potter.
  • Read AT LEAST one Harry Potter book. I know, it is shameful that I haven't read any!! - Oh yes, most definitely done. I loved the first one, managed to read it in 2 days and have recently started on the second.
  •  Have a boardgames day, not had one for ages. DONE and it was great fun.
  •  Finally make Jack his muffins, which I said I would do for his birthday... in March. Wow, that's bad. Sorry Jack if you're reading this. NOT DONE, but I'm planning to make them this month... hopefully.
  • Do my extended essay experiment and actually make it work! DONE... finally.
  •  Complete more of the A part of CAS. DONE, I went cycling a few times and also went geocaching ( it's like a treasure hunt, google it if you're interested.)
  •  Go and see the next Harry Potter - Hopefully on Wednesday.  DONE, I saw it on the wednesday with friends in 2D and then again quite late in the holidays but in 3D, was great in both cases! Such a good film.
  •  And to go with that last one, watch all the other ones too, just to reminisce.  DONE and loved it.
  •  Try and write some/ all of my personal statement. DONE
  •  Find some more good university courses I want to take.  DONEish, but still need to find more.
  •  See my friends. Especially those I haven't seen in ages. (Imy, Dani etc) DONE, and loved seeing them too!
 Well, lets see... I did 10 out of 12 things! Now I think that is pretty good! I'm pretty pleased with that! 

Wednesday, 24 August 2011


Personally, I have never really though about honeycomb as something I could ever make, it never really crossed my mind. However, when I saw 2 people on my Facebook say that they had made honeycomb I thought I would give it a go to see how it went. 

When I found the recipe on Google I was really surprised at how easy is sounded, as I hadn't expected it to be that hard. 

The recipe I found only needed golden syrup, sugar, bicarbonate of soda and some water to test when it was ready. I made sure I had all of this and then set about making my honeycomb. I will post a link at the bottom of this post in case you want to try it yourself.

In the recipe it says you need a greased 10cm square tin and I was thinking... err no thanks I think I will line it with greaseproof paper, this could get messy! You start off by making a syrup and then take it off the heat and add bicarbonate of soda, which makes the mixture expand A LOT. Now luckily I had plenty of excess paper sticking out of the tray, as the mixture continued to expand when I poured it in. Note to self: next time use a bigger tin. 

Now this is the end product, it tasted scrumdiddles!

After a day or 2 they start to go a bit sticky, and therefore a bit difficult to eat so next time I am going to cover them in chocolate so we can have our very own crunchy bars!! Yummy!

I have been thinking for a while about starting a cookery channel on YouTube as I do quite a lot of cooking at home but I'm not sure yet, and besides I would need to get a video camera first. Let me know what you think. Either in the comment section or if you know me... on Facebook or something. 

If you want to make honeycomb then click here for the recipe

Sunday, 7 August 2011

My Extended Essay Hates Me...

Anybody who is doing/ has done the IB will understand how frustrating this is. I am currently doing my extended essay on food technology, specifically genetically modified foods. Because it is a food technology I have to do an experiment. For me, this involves making 2 batches of cakes, one containing lecithin powder. 

Now to start of with back in June/July I did my experiment 3 times using a different flour, later finding out that I would never have got the right results because it was the WRONG flour!! I then only found 2 companies which sell the right flour so had to contact them, but they could not send me it before the end of term... this was when the deadline was. 

Luckily, I was given an extension until September. Now, I have literally just been making my cakes and yet again I have faced problems. I had put all the ingredients into the bowls, I whisked the first batch containing no lecithin powder... that was fine. I go to whisk the batch containing lecithin and BOOM my whisk dies. It didn't literally explode but it did die. Graham said the motor has gone and it even made that horrible smell that electrical objects make when the motor dies. 

I swear my extended essay just hates me, it is fate that I'm going to fail it!! Well, I hope not!! 

Luckily, James was at Joely's at the time so my sister rang him and in 20 minutes or so he was back home with Joely's electric whisk!! Thank you Joely! 

Hopefully they will turn out well this time and actually give me good results!! Fingers crossed. But I guess the feeling is mutual... I hate my extended essay as much as it hates me... probably more! 

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Summer Holidays So Far

This holiday has already got off to quite a good start, I have been out, seen friends and just generally had a good time... even on the days when I am inside because I have my pooch! So I am just going to 'summer'ise... yeah I know it's terrible but I genuinely accidently wrote that when meaning to write summarize.

Thursday 28th July - Imogen came over, to meet Ella and see me of course. She loved Ella... even though Ella later attacked her (playfully of course, she wouldn't mean harm - honest.) Also, because we both love boardgames we played monopoly a couple of times. The first game I won by more than 6500 monopoly dollars and the next game Imogen won by an amount similar to what I won by. They were good games. We also played scrabble, it was pretty crap game, we had rubbish letters and so nothing decent got put down. I had a ton of vowels and Imy ran out of them... wonder where they went. Well, Imy won that too. I think we also played downfall, but I don't remember who won those games. We had a great day, well I know I did anyway...

Friday 29th July - BBQ at the beach. Now this day was not the best weather, a little cloudy, but it was still nice to meet up with people and the BBQ wasn't all that bad. We bought lots of food from Iceland, including burgers, skewers, burger buns, fizzy drink and pink and whites. (I had already bought the sausages and people had already got the BBQs.) I was even smart enough to bring some tongs with me... it would have been a little more challenging if I had not remembered! The food was good, I did now touch the burgers because they looked like circles of ice cream and just complete crap. I think only a couple of people had any. Alex mainly... he took the remains home. There was also a little dog that came on to the beach, no owner about, and it found a string of sausages (not left by us) and it was pretty funny watching this little dog and the big string of sausages walk around the beach. After this, Maddy, Lauren, Dan and Amy asked to come and meet Ella. I had got the train, they got the bus so I told them where to get off and Dan used his phone satnav to get to my house. It worked well and they all loved Ella... of course! 

Tuesday 2nd August - Pottermore. This is the day I got my pottermore account. I got the right answer of the question, after failing the day before, and was sent to a guardian website. Meanwhile, Tim had already found it so he was telling me where it was and thinking I was thick when I couldn't see it because apparently I couldn't miss it. I was getting so annoyed because I couldn't see it. Then I realised that my adblock might be blocking the quill, so I paused it, refreshed and... what do you know... there is the quill!!! So irritating. I registered but I still don't have much of a clue what Pottermore is so I shall have to wait for my welcome email. Kinda excited! If anyone knows what Pottermore might be... let me know!! 

Wednesday 3rd August - BEACH! I had heard the day before that the weather would be good, so I had already decided I would go to the beach. But I had nobody to go with because my sister kept abandoning me for her friends. I didn't think anyone was free but then Tim decided he would change the week that he had planned to do his extended essay so I invited him over to see Ella and go to the beach. My sister and her friend Emily also came along and we took the dingy too... it was great fun. We used the oars as bats and played some sort of ball game with a tennis ball. Although... I later broke the oars... oops! Never mind... they are fixable! And to top it off we had toffee and butterscotch ice cream, which was SO nice! Yummy!

Thursday 4th August - Boardgames Day! Now this really was a great day, so fun! Imy hosting the day this time, so me, Tim, Julian, Jess and Jack all got the train over to hers... although Tim missed it - stupid boy ;)
We played all sorts of games, uno (which Imy said she would win... but didn't haha), cluedo mysteries, scrabble and of course... Articulate. Probably one of the best games ever!! I will definitely get that game for myself at some point! It's basically pictionary but speaking instead of drawing, and you only have 30 seconds for your team mates to guess as many as possible. Everyone gets so excited. The other team (Tim, Imy and Julian) got to the end and they had to do one nature question... the answer was trout. Tim was the speak and jsut told them to name lots of fish. They were naming cod, mackrel etc and Tim said 'bigger fish, bigger fish' and Imy shouted 'SHARK' and Tim was getting so frustrated, it was so funny. Meanwhile, Jess, Jack and I were staring at the timer waiting for the last drop of sand to go through and cheered when it did. So funny. They still ended up winning though. We played another game after that and Jess, Tim and I won. 

Friday, 22 July 2011

Harry Potter

As one of my summer goals was the read AT LEAST one Harry Potter book, I took Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone from the bookcase upstairs on Monday right after I wrote my blog. However, I didn't get to start it until Tuesday evening due to school. And even then I was too tired so only managed a few chapters. I took it with me on Wednesday when I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 - which was amazing by the way, a lot of action in it and even funny in places - so I could read it on the bus, as I would have nobody to sit with. 

By midnight on Thursday I had read 99 pages. And I am not pretty proud of myself that I have finished the last 124 pages today!! And I'm really not much of a reader. Ask anyone I know and they will agree! 

I'm kind of annoyed with myself that I haven't read this amazing books before, they really are great. Ok, well I tried once before the read but I got bored by the first page, I had a low attention span! It could also be partly down to the fact that I was convinced that reading was bad for your eyes. My excuse for not reading being this because all librarians and a lot of English teachers have glasses because they read too much. At the time I felt my excuse was pretty good and now I just think it is funny. I know I was being stereotypical but never mind, it's funny! 

I have now got Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets off of the bookcase from upstairs and will start it in a while! I will let you know how this one goes. 

I shall leave you with a few of my favourite quotes from the latest film:
  • 'Not my daughter, you bitch!'
  • 'Yeah, you and whose army?'
  • 'That's my girlfriend you numpties!
  • 'I've always wanted to use that spell'

Monday, 18 July 2011

Just a Few Goals For the Summer

I break up from school in a few days so thought I would make a quick list of things I want to do over the summer:
  • Go to the beach, but that goes without saying really. Hopefully the weather won't stop that one!
  •  Finish Breaking Dawn as I haven't had time to read it.  
  • Read AT LEAST one Harry Potter book. I know, it is shameful that I haven't read any!! 
  •  Have a boardgames day, not had one for ages.  
  •  Finally make Jack his muffins, which I said I would do for his birthday... in March. Wow, that's bad. Sorry Jack if you're reading this.  
  • Do my extended essay experiment and actually make it work!  
  •  Complete more of the A part of CAS.  
  •  Go and see the next Harry Potter - Hopefully on Wednesday.  
  •  And to go with that last one, watch all the other ones too, just to reminisce. 
  •  Try and write some/ all of my personal statement.  
  •  Find some more good university courses I want to take. 
  •  See my friends. Especially those I haven't seen in ages. (Imy, Dani etc)
 I think that should keep me busy. 

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

'Help I'm stuck, gimme a push'

After repeatedly pulling the cat flap, barking at it, sticking her head in etc, Ella finally managed to get through!! I knew we had a Houdini dog, she has already managed get from the trellised patio into the grassy area, and we have no idea how.

My mum texted me around lunch time to tell me that Ella had got out through the cat flap, and sent me a picture at evidence. Apparently, she then did it another 2 times, so Zoe got a video (which I will upload at another point)

When I got home I took her outside etc and then took her back in and gave her a toy. When Zoe came in she was very eager to go outside, so decided she would take the cat flap route. She stopped while going thought the gap, with her little back legs trying to get in. She got stuck... so I obviously just took my phone out and took her picture because she looked so funny!!

I told her that she wasn't a cat, but she wasn't having any of it. Then Zoe gave her a little nudge in the backside so I could gently let her out the other side. It was very funny to say the least.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Ella's New Tricks and a New Blog Layout

The first thing to notice are the changes to my blog. Basically, I felt like a bit of a change. So I sorted out a nice little banner for the top, using Photoshop and a little help from my brother to cut out the image of Ella and I. I'm pretty pleased with it, but it didn't fit in with the pinkness of the blog before so I thought I ought to change it. After all, I have had it like that since the beginning, so a change is quite nice! It now feels like a completely new blog. I tried to write a little sentence for the description but I couldn't really describe what my blog is, so I just left it! 

Now to the main bit of my blog. As you know, we got a puppy 2 weeks ago, so I thought I better update you on how she is getting on. 

She has settled in extremely well, and Zoe and I even taught her to sit on the second day of having her! Wow! Clever little pup. Then, within the first week Graham taught her 'paw' and then this trick:

Isn't that amazing? Well I think it is, considering she was only 8 weeks! We sent a link of the video to the breeders on facebook and they were amazed that she had managed to learnt that trick so quickly! Graham has also taught her to lay down, which is always helpful. We are now working on roll over, she seems to be thinking about it but isn't too sure. She did it for me yesterday, but it took a while.

Other than all the tricks she has been learning, she has been having good and bad days. She's been really good house training wise, absolutely brilliant! 

However, one thing we are working on is her getting aggressive, it's not nice. She ripped my favourite shorts, which I wasn't happy about. And also ripped Zoe's pj shorts, perhaps she just doesn't like shorts, haha! We have found a couple of good techniques... either putting her in her crate for a couple of minutes or everyone leaving the room. 

When she is put in her crate after being aggressive, she either rips the newspaper to shreds, knocks over her water and then we wait until she calms down, or she just goes to sleep. So it seems that she mainly gets aggressive when she is getting tired. Silly little puppy... just go to sleep. When we leave the room, she tends to bark fairly loudly for a bit, as it is as if she has been abandoned by her 'pack', and then she goes and finds something to chew on. 

We, well Graham, have had to make some adaptations to the house and garden too. A baby gate on the kitchen door, a little homemade wooden gate on the back door (for when we want the back door open but Ella inside), and a short trellis for the patio to stop her jumping off of it.

Today, she got a little aggressive, but calmed down quickly, which is always nice. Everyone went out this afternoon, so I stayed home to dog sit, as it was nearly dindins time. I took her outside for a run around but put her collar and lead on because the cat was out there too, and the lead takes up a lot of her attention so she wouldn't notice the cat. While I wasn't looking she got herself in a pickle with her lead, so I ran inside to get my camera...

'Help, I'm stuck'
 I made some icing for mum's cake so Ella decided to come and lay down by my feet, how sweet is that? It was probably just in case anything dropped...

'What you got cooking'

Last weekend, Mum and Graham went out and they bought Ella a little bed for during the day if she doesn't want to use her crate, or for if we want to let her come in the living room with us. She seems to like it, but is also equally happy in her crate.

Don't fancy the comfy vet bed then?
It is safe to say that we have all fallen totally in love with her, she is absolutely adorable... apart from when she is biting your bum and ripping shorts! Even James absolutely loves her, which is really nice, as he wasn't sure about having a dog at first. How cute, I'm so pleased that he loves her. 

If you come and visit us, I advise you to count fingers and toes first... ;)

Saturday, 25 June 2011

People Can Be Horrible...

I'm not going to lie, I am pretty angry right now! 

As you may know, one of my friends, Maddy, makes videos for Youtube. Well Maddy was really proud of herself that people that she doesn't know are actually subscribing to her and that she had 25 subscribers. To celebrate, she worked out the statistics of how many subscribers she was away from various numbers (e.g 100/1000/1 million) and she did a jokey video about this, just because she was pleased with herself. 

Now, I obviously really liked her video, I think all her videos are great and I admire her for actually making her own videos, and she just wants to entertain people and be part of the Youtube community. 

Now to what has made me angry. On this particular video various people have been sending her horrible comments about how she is 'begging' for subscribers, when actually she isn't. But today somebody sent a really nasty comment, which has since been flagged as spam, insulting Maddy and telling her to stop making videos etc. It is people like this that just ruin the internet, Maddy is just having fun, and these people are just trying to spoil it for her and it really makes me angry.

It's actually made me realise how protective I am over my friends, I got angry about some pathetic people commenting on a video! I suppose that does show that I care about my friends!

The comments won't stop Maddy making videos though, so please go and check out her channel on Youtube, like her videos and send her some nice comments to make her feel happy and over rule all of the nasty people online! And, even subscribe to her if you want to.

P.s. She hasn't asked me to write this, I just needed a little way to express my feelings!

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Introducing Ella

So, yesterday was the day that I have been looking forward to for weeks - d-day (or e-day or p-day, whatever you want to call it!) As you can imagine I was extremely excited about the prospects of getting our puppy! I mean... who wouldn't be!

After sorting out the necessaries at the breeders' house we were given Ella, and she was officially ours... wow! We were told to expect her being sick, or tiddling in the car but she was very good and she didn't do any of that. She only had a little bit of a moan, but soon settled down and had a snooze in mum's arms! 

We did exactly as the breeders told us to do and took her straight into the back garden and waited for her to have a weewee (this took about an hour, as she was far too busy exploring and enjoying some of the longer pieces of grass, which have since been cut). During this time, she had her first encounter with the cat, although Ella seemed pretty oblivious to the whole thing! Although, the cat didn't seem very pleased and will still need time to adapt!

After this, we spent another half an hour or so trying to get her to follow us indoors! Once indoors, she discovered the dining table and the small gaps under the chair... and how fun they are to crawl under!

Then, we sorted out some din dins!! Although, she was too preoccupied with the garden so we decided to just leave it for when she came back in... and she went straight to it when she came back in. However, in the time between us putting the dinner down and Ella eating it, this happened...

'Am I meant to eat this?'

'Ok, if you're sure...'
 It was amusing to say the least anyway, but we did stop her eating it as it obviously wasn't for her and we didn't want her getting ill or anything! While Ella was eating her dinner, Amy kept a clear distance and occasionally poked her head around the bottom of the stairs...

'What... the hell is THAT!!'
After having her dindins, Ella went a 'christened' the garden before laying down next to me on the grass for a little snooze! I realised it was going to rain and didn't fancy getting completely soaked so I tried getting her to follow me but she just kept laying down, bless her! So I picked her up and carried her inside, and she fell asleep in the process!

It was very cute, but I thought it would best to get her to go in her crate for the first time, and she soon settled down and snoozed some more... I think I wore her out when she was chasing me round the garden!

What a cutie!
And the rest of the day involved more running, more eating, more chewing on things and a couple more encounters with the cat, including a little bit of hissing (from Amy... not Ella of course), but again she didn't seem to care at all!

Then mum, Zoe and I had to leave to go and do our Moonlight Walk for Pilgrims Hospice, and we raised £370 for them, just so you know. :) So Graham had her on his own for the whole evening! He said that she settled down very well in her crate when it was bed time and only cried for a minute or so, which is pretty damn good!

Today, Zoe and I have taught her how to sit... wow! It's amazing how she picked it up so quickly! We have also had a trip to pets at home (in our arms of course, as she is yet to have her inoculations) to get her socialising with people and we needed a few bits and bobs anyway! She was most definitely a hit, everyone loved her... after all she is absolutely adorable!! And right now she is crashed out in her crate once again, after another little moan about being there but she was fine after a few minutes!!

So yeah, that's Ella! I'm pretty sure there will be some more updates very soon!

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

11 DAYS!!

If you hadn't already guessed... I'm talking about the puppy! It's getting very exciting now that we are actually getting one... it's so soon!

Until yesterday, we had no clue which one was actually ours because we are the last people on the list and therefore we were waiting for all the others to pick! We had our eye on 2 of them and we did end up getting one of them!!

The breeder rang us up yesterday, and I could hear mum on the phone and knew what they were talking about, so I was obviously listening so that I could find out! It suddenly feels even more real now!! I cannot wait... it's so soon!

By the looks of things we are calling her Ella, which I am very pleased about because I didn't want to call it Maisy... but my mum, stepdad and other friends liked it!! But it's not going to be called that any more!! Anyway, I shall keep you posted...

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Apologies, Puppies and Penguins

Firstly, apologies for the lack of blogginess... it's been nearly 2 weeks!! :O It does seem that my usual irregular blogging pattern has become increasingly more irregular since BEDA! But basically, I have either forgotten about it due to something else I was doing, probably some crappy school stuff, or I was stressing over crappy school stuff... which is always nice. Stupid English.

Last blog you may remember me mentioning some exciting news, well I think I can mention it now, as I've been telling everyone at school anyway... WE'RE GETTING A PUPPY!! How exciting is that? Maybe not very exciting to you but I am pretty damn excited. We have spoken about it many times in the past, but I never really thought it would happen... but Zoe has managed to persuade everyone, so we're all now very excited!

We have been to see them for the past 3 weekends and they are soooo cute! I will post pictures another time, probably once we actually have her. Yes, we're getting a girl :) 

Names? Well... at the moment we are all liking Ella, so Ella it is for now. Everyone seems to like the name Maisy but we are getting a Golden Retriever and I just don't think it suits a bit dog, but maybe that's just me! Any suggestions are welcome in the comments...

I also just thought that I would share this link because I thought it was absolutely brilliant!!It just made me smile and have a little bit of a giggle about it!

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Curly Wurly Spaghetti

I'm sure you are all familiar spaghetti, and equally familiar with curly wurlys (the chocolate bar.) But, I ask you, are you familiar with them together? 

No? Well why not! 

You're now probably sitting there at your computer, or whatever other devices you are using to read this (I am incredibly jealous of all those read off of an iPad, but that's not the point) thinking that I have gone completely and utterly mad. Ballistic. Craaazy!

Well, maybe I have a little but then I suppose that happened a long while ago! Anyway, onto the real subject of today's blog...

As some of you may know, I have a friend (yes, a friend), called Maddy, who makes Youtube videos. Since she started out making the videos I have been trying to convince her to eat a bowl of spaghetti using a curly wurly for her cutlery. Up until now she has refused to do it, even though she was tempted. 

Just over 2 weeks ago now, she made THIS video about her challenge series, which she is starting up. In it she mentions how she wouldn't do my challenge... UNLESS I commented about it and it got lots of thumbs up (by lots, she means about 20.)

Well, it seems that Maddy finally budged and took up my AWESOME challenge! She uploaded it to Youtube the other day and it was absolutely hilarious!! Click HERE for a link to the video, and have a look at her other ones too! It's so funny, and I feel proud of my challenge! 

I apologise in advance for her chav-tastic way that Maddy says "spaghetti"... or rather "spaghe'i"

I do have some other EXTREMELY exciting news... but I will wait until it is official until I announce it!!

Monday, 9 May 2011

It's Official!!!

What's official? You want to know? Well... I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!!! Woooooo!!! I'm soooo pleased! I really wasn't sure this morning whether I would pass or not, but I did... that's all that matters! 

The last few nights I have been dreaming about driving and it has be driving (ha ha) me mad!! On Friday I dreamt that my sister's friend was driving my mum's car. She was texting at the same time, which made her go off road, run over a rabbit and crash the car. Nice. No one died though - all good! Saturday Night was incredibly annoying as it was stopping me sleeping, so it took me AGES to actually drift off and then I kept waking up throughout the night! Last night, it took me a while to drift off again but I don't think I woke up really! 

I'm glad it's over now because I have been getting really nervous about it - but it really wasn't that bad to be honest. My driving instructor advised me to have a good breakfast and preferably eat a banana, as it is supposed to calm nerves! I did both, and I actually think it works... honestly! 

I had an hour and a bit of driving before my test, which also helped to calm my nerves and clear up a few things too! Then we went to the test centre... dun dun daaaaah!! 

After signing the little thing I needed to, I answered my 2 show me/tell me questions and then got in the car... show time!! Eeek! 

Overall, the drive was pretty good! I nearly did make a major booboo but managed to sort it out just in time, phew!!!! I had to do reverse left on a wide bend for my manoeuvre, which went well. We had practised that just before the test so that was good! I also had to do the emergency stop... now this, I was nervous about because I had pressed the wrong pedal first twice before and I so desperately wanted to get it right! Thank God I did!!! We then went back to the test centre and he told me I had passed, with 6 minors, and gave me the test sheet and my certificate. He then told me where I went wrong. I knew where they were but I didn't care too much because I had passed and I was far too preoccupied with thinking about that! 

The examiner was nice, so that was good. He was a little too chatty for my liking though, as I was really trying to concentrate! But I suppose that is better than sitting in complete silence, because that would be so nerve racking! He was telling me weird stuff, like his daughter dressing up as a dinosaur for her children... and also about a so-called paedophile that we saw while driving! Weird! 

Once I got home I really didn't feel any rush to get back to school so I got the phone and called a few people... only one of which answered (my Mum). She knew I would be phoning and answered the phone with a very questioning 'hello?' rather than 'hello this is Karina talking from blah blah blah' whatever she says. 

I decided to answer with a very quiet, sad sounding, 'hello' to which my mum replied 'are you ok?' and I said 'err yeah... I PASSED' and then of course she said something like 'aaah yaaay well done, I'm so proud of you' and all that jazz!! After I finished my chat with her and failed to get hold of anyone else I phoned, I got a phone call from a friend of mine, Moritz, congratulating me, which was lovely! 

I then wrote a text and then sent it to a fairly big group of people and of course posted the news on facebook! Then I fed the cat and went to get the bus. When I got into town I was thirsty so I wasted more time in going to Tesco to buy a drink. I got into school at 11.30am in the end, which was about the time I thought I would get there anyway!

Most people had already heard that I had passed my test by the time I got to school, so there was no need for me to shout it out, I wouldn't have anyway! Mel said 'OMG Steph you passed your test, well done!' and I said 'how do you know' and she said '... you posted it on facebook' - I had completely forgotten!!

After lunch the day was a bit crap... did my maths test (hard) and then had an after school French exam which was just ridiculously hard!!!  Anyway... I don't care, I passed my frikin driving test and I'm so so so so pleased!!!!

Sunday, 8 May 2011

It's Friday Friday!

Don't worry... I haven't gone mad! I do know it isn't Friday but I'm going to write about Friday anyway as I didn't have time to on Friday evening... I was tired!

I had been looking forward to Friday all week as my friends and I had arranged to go out for a meal as a little catch up. Unfortunately 3 of the people that were invited couldn't come so we had 6 people instead, still a good number, but it would have been nice to see the others, as I haven't really seen them since they left my school! 

We had decided to chose and all you can eat buffet because they do such good food and we (especially Katie) like to eat a lot! Katie most definitely got her money's worth at the end of it and even had a food baby to show for it! And Keely... well she had a 8 month food baby going on!! 

Imogen decided that she would be different and ate ice cream to start off with then went on for starters, main and then more ice cream! I suppose we're all different! 

I think Rumour, Dani and I ate a normal amount compared to the others! I was stuffed by the end of what I had and then there was Katie going up for more food!! It really isn't surprising though! 

Is seemed that we weren't the only ones out that night either! Jack was there with his family and then later on Ross came in with his family! Ross said that he ate 5 plates of food!!!! Wow! I wasn't sure whether Katie had matched that or not! 

Afterwards we went outside the restaurant and took pictures while we waited for our parents to pick us up! Imy and Katie chickened out of asking the big door guy to take a group photo of us so we searched for the timing option instead! 
Keely eventually found it, and after we smiled for the first photo for about 20 seconds before Keely realised she hadn't pressed the shutter... we eventually got a picture! Tada...

Dani had refused to show her teeth in any more photos after she realised that the whiteness made her look more orange! Anyway, I think it is a goo photo of us! A good end to a good evening! 

This was the last photo that we took because I then had to go as my mum was round the corner so Katie came with me as she was getting picked up from there too and the others went into town... I think. 

I was joking with Katie that my mum wouldn't let me drive home if my sister was in the car because she wouldn't want me to kill her... not that I would! But... I was allowed. Zoe was convinced she was going to die, even though I am a good driver.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Driving Fun

I know I still don't have to blog every day, but I still found myself at different points during the day thinking about what I would blog about. I then reminded myself that I didn't actually have to blog because BEDA has finished and I'm not going to turn it in to BEDM because it doesn't have the same ring to it, and I'm not going to change it because that would be silly! 

As you probably know, I am learning to drive. Well, it is my brother's birthday tomorrow and sometime this week he wanted to go and see my dad because we haven't seen him in a while and at the moment my Dad doesn't have a car because of some idiots! Anyway, my mum asked my brother if he would like to go on her insurance for the week, as a little extra for his birthday? He obviously said yes and mum rang up the insurance company and it turned out that it would cheaper if I was also on the insurance... weird! You'd think it would be the other way around, especially as I am still a learner! 

So from today, until next Sunday, I am insured on my mum's car! This afternoon we went out to Tesco garage and bought some L-plates and then we pulled up in the car park and swapped places and mum put the L-plates on! Exciting stuff driving a car... with sole responsibility of the pedals!

After taking a few minutes to get used to the car, we were on our way... yay! However, once we got onto a 60mph road I saw the front L-plate fly back over the windscreen and over the back of the car... oh dear! We were near Sainsbury's at that point so we went in the garage there but they don't sell them! Back to Tesco we go... 

On the way there I looked out for the L-plate (mum was driving at that point) but there was no sign of it! After getting another L-plate, I jumped back in the driving seat! My mum is a pretty good instructor... very calm but she has always found decision making difficult in many circumstances, so it was quite funny when I asked her where she wanted me to go at the round about, because she said 'ooh, errr, I don't know!' 

A while ago, with my instructor, he asked me to do the emergency stop and I had mental block and put the clutch pedal down first and immediately knew it was wrong - so annoying! We did a mock test the other day and I had to do the emergency stop. In my mind I was saying 'break first, break first, break first' but I think I may have slipped when doing the break pedal, meaning that I hit the clutch first. But I was quick to put my break on so we still stopped very quickly! It was either that, or I put them both at the same time, but the clutch slightly before! I knew as soon as I did it and said 'AH CRAP' and my instructor said 'don't worry about it, just concentrate on the last bit'... so I did but I was SO annoyed with myself!

I was trying so hard to get it right and I didn't! Honestly, I can't tell you how annoyed I was and it did affect the rest of the drive, even though I know I shouldn't have let it! 

I told my mum before we went out driving that before the emergency stop she has to look around and check it's all clear but I said I wasn't being rude but I didn't want to do an emergency stop! But we were driving along a road and my mum said 'go on Steph, do an emergency stop' and I said 'err no' and she said 'go on, just do it, it's fine!'... so I did! And I got it right and it was fine... yay! So it wasn't as bad as I thought!

It was amusing and I really enjoyed it! Thank you Mum! Hopefully we will go out again sometime again this week! Maybe I'll persuade her to take me tomorrow for an hour or so or something! It also means that once I have passed my test that I could go on my mum's insurance occasionally if I need/want to and it wouldn't cost too much!

Saturday, 30 April 2011

Britain's Got Talent and The End of BEDA

Of  course this evening I was watching Britain's Got Talent again and at one point I thought Amanda had turned into Simon Cowell! She stopped a man singing/playing guitar just as he had started his audition and asked if he had another song that people might know. Bit mean... but he got through anyway! But really I don't think it matters too much whether we know the song well or not, because it is a judge of talent, not a judge of the song choice. Although, I suppose the song choice does help! 

A list of some of my favourites... and some weird ones too (click the names for YouTube links):
  • Olivia Binfield - I would have been pooping my pants if I was her on stage with a MASSIVE snake round my neck! It was practically stangling her. Towards the end Ant and Dec were getting a bit panicky!
  • Ronan Parke- So cute, and so good! Such a great voice and he was so cute getting all emotional when they were actually judging him. 
  • Anthony Wait - He was ABSOLUTELY pants!! Literally! I didn't get it at all, and I'm just glad that the audition got stopped at the point it did... I could have been scarred for life!
  • Tracey Moran - Definatley not the best audition but it was sooo funny! I could not stop laughing at her ridiculous dancing! So in that respect - it was a god audition! 
  • Out of the Blue - This group was quite interesting actually, at first I wasn't sure but I did end up liking it because I'd never really heard anything exactly like that before!
The End of BEDA
After I post this, I will have officially completed BEDA! Yaaay! At first I really wasn't sure exactly how long I would last as I couldn't imagine finding the inspiration for a blog everyday... but I managed it!

I got pretty stuck by about the 20th and on most evenings since then I asked whoever I was talking to on Facebook (mostly Dan, Tim and maybe Maddy... I can't remember) what I should blog about! They obviously said things like 'how much you love me' etc... the usual, which I didn't write about - I appologise! I did manage to think of a subject to write about in the end though, and I didn't have to resort to writing about how much I love my friends! Because it is already obvious that I do love them, otherwise I wouldn't call them my friends.

I have written about some of them in previous blogs anyway, but the blogs would have been more intesting that writing about how much I love them :) 

Anyway - BEDA = complete! And I really enjoyed it too, so thanks to who ever wrote/vlogged about it which made me do it too!

Friday, 29 April 2011

Devouring Ducks, Olly Murs and The Royal Wedding

Devouring Ducks
I finally decided, after 6 days, that I would eat my lovely choccy duck! I genuinely felt guilty about wanting to eat it, but then I thought... oh well, it smells delicious! At first I didn't realise that James was filming until I realised that he was keeping the phone in the same position and so now I have quite an amusing video of the devouring of the duck! Enjoy...

 Olly Murs
Zoe just got home from seeing Olly Murs at the Winter Gardens in Margate and she is like a little excitable puppy! It is absolutely adorable!!!

She got home and said "I MET OLLY MURS" - I already knew from her facebook status! After showing us the autograph she got, she told us all about it, how he kissed her on the cheek, had a photo with him, and he touched her on the back! Bless her! She told us that people saw them going to meet him and looked pretty jealous haha! 

Mum has just gone to bed and she kissed Zoe on the cheek, but Zoe was being careful that Mum didn't kiss her on the same cheek as Olly did! Haha. 

The Royal Wedding
In the run up to the Royal Wedding I wasn't sure whether I would actually watch it as I didn't see much point. I did in the end because I thought it would actually be quite good! I started off watching BBC coverage and it was pretty boring before anyone really started moving! 

When they showed the guests arriving I was wondering "how the hell did Mr Bean get an invitation?" He is one of the last people I would expect to be at the wedding - how strange, but never mind!

Beforehand, I couldn't remember the name of the designer that recently died, but I had a feeling that that's who the dress was by (well not from beyond the grave, but you know what I mean), and I was right! Wahey! I obviously know now that is is Alexander McQueen and it looked absolutely stunning on her!! Wow. However, although she did look lovely behind the veil, I thought she looked prettier once the veil was taken off of her face.

Personally, I thought the wedding was soooo cute... although it was strange that barely any guests could actually see! Strange...

They looked so natural, and I could see them at times trying to suppress a few giggles. Kate looked like she was going to have a little giggle when she was saying ALL of his names, she was probably thinking about how getting them wrong!

There didn't look like anything much went wrong, apart from the ring NEARLY not fitting! That would have been bad, but luckily he did manage to get it on!

I did get bored of the seriousness of the BBC coverage and decided that ITV was more fun, Phillip Schofield was much funnier!

Overall, I think it was a really cute wedding... but some of the hats people wore (particularly Princess Beatrice) were a little... odd!

Thursday, 28 April 2011

I lost track of time...

It is currently 23:45 and I literally just remembered that I need to blog!! I can't believe I nearly forgot! If I had, and then failed BEDA, I may have cried! 

I think I shall blame this on Keely, she won't know I have blamed it on her as she is currently out camping for D of E and I don't think she has any clue that I have a blog anyway. I may tell her... you never know! Or perhaps someone else will have already told her by then! 

I blame it on Keely because in Biology we were talking about niches and she was going on about how some animal eats this, and like that blah blah... and that she knew that from playing Zoo Tycoon!

Obviously, that made me want to play Zoo Tycoon, and I couldn't believe Keely had sold her copy (it's such a good game). I still have mine and so I installed it and started playing! I got so engrossed in my game, dealing with dinosaurs, unicorns and an olive baboon I put in the lion cage to see what happened - he died, I didn't know that would happen... never mind! I was so focused on playing my game and watching Celebrity Juice, that I was completely oblivious to the time and hadn't even looked at the post it under my computer screen, which says 'BEDA', that I wrote on the 1st of April to remind me every day! 

So yeah... blame Keely for the rushedness of the blog but I also thank her for reminding me of the game because it's so good! Well, I love it anyway!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011


For Easter, Joely got me a white chocolate duck, and a little chocolate egg which has a marshmallow chick inside! They are/were the cutest things ever! I say are/were because I have eaten the egg... but not the duck! 

At first, I didn't want to crack the egg, but curiosity got the better of me and I cracked the top of the egg off... the chick was upside down so I had to eat a little more of the egg so I could see it properly. Here is what it looked like... 

How cute is that? The chick had a smudged eye and a dirty nose, but who cares... it's cute! I can't remember when Zoe ate her chick but it was before me... and she said it was delicious! This chick did look so yummy so I bit it's bum (sorry chick) and she was right - it tasted so good - so I slowly ate the rest of the chick, making it last as long as possible... didn't last long really!

Just now, Zoe asked if I wanted to see her finger puppet, I said yes, and she takes her hand out from behind her back and I see a little chocolate duck's head wobbling about!!! MURDER... well not really, but still! Apparently, the duck is also delicious! 

I just took mine out of the packet and smelt it... mmm!! Smells yummy! Now it is sitting on my desk looking at me as I am writing this, knowing that I am thinking about breaking into it - just a little bit - but it is just too damn cute to break! All of that hard work that... the machine... put in to making it, and I have already eaten it's child. 

Joely says that it's okay because it doesn't have feelings! But it's too cute... I can't kill it! Ok, not yet! Soon it will be gone, I'm not going to let it go bad am I? I don't want an ugly, out of date, ducking on my desk now, do I?

I warn the duck to sleep with one eye open... or he may have a pain in his arse when he wakes up ;)

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

First Day Back

Yesterday I blogged about going back to school today. Today I realised that despite not really knowing how much I slept last night, as I struggled to get to sleep and didn't feel like I had been asleep when I woke up, my day reaaally wasn't THAT bad! 

It was actually quite relaxed! I got up on time so I didn't need to rush (for once), I had a free this morning with Dan where we actually did some of our English essays, and tech was relaxed as usual... although we had to watch a DVD and all of the people's voices were incredibly irritating and I wasn't comfortable on my stool. But then I suppose, what do I expect when I am on a stool!

Psychology was a drag though, it seemed to be never ending and I was hungry!!! But I suppose one lesson out of the 2 had to be a drag! After school was pretty good too! My grandparents were in town so I met them for a nice hot chocolate (yum) and then the gave me a lift home too! Lovely... no bus for me :) 

We had to do a few diversions, due to traffic and a car accident, but it was better than sitting in queues of traffic! 

I got home to find that there was a new addition to the family - a dog. Not a real dog, that we want, but an ornamental dog, who now sits on our stairs. It actually looks like it has always belonged there! I also noticed that Zoe was sitting at the table reading a book about dogs, typical! She is not planning our future dog having puppies and my mum said 'we don't even have the dog yet and you are planning it's sex life' - obviously that made me laugh!

I then worked hard on my English essay until it was done, with very few distractions... makes a change! Pretty proud of myself, and now I have no need to worry about getting my essay done! Which is lucky... as it is in for tomorrow!

P.s. A congratulations for Imy, who actually managed to give up facebook for lent! I wasn't really sure whether she would be able to do it but she did... so well done!

Monday, 25 April 2011

It's that feeling again!

Yes, back to school again tomorrow, after such a lovely holiday! Luckily it is only 3 days this week, otherwise I'm not sure if I would be able to survive! 

I think I should just repost this blog I wrote at the end of last half term, as the basic idea of the feeling is there again but it won't be so bad as it shouldn't be dark when I wake up at HALF 6 tomorrow... or attempt to should I say!! But at least we are starting back on a Tuesday, otherwise I would have French for 100 minutes after school... then I may have killed myself! Well, not quite literally.

Can't I have another 2 weeks holiday? Pretty please with a cherry on top... and chocolate sprinkles, and ice cream, and... you know the rest!!


No? I can't see what would be wrong with that, it's more fun being off of school! Although I don't get to see my friends as much... but I could see them outside of school if I had more time off! 

Still no? Damn it!!

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Happy Easter

This morning I did set my alarm for 10, as usual in the holidays, but I fell back to sleep again and wasn't woken until 12:10 by Zoe and Beth! Ooops...

After I had scrambled egg on toast and a yoghurt for 'brunch', Graham got all 3 of us to sit in my room while he hid all of the clues for the Easter egg hunt! And then we began...

He was right that it would be harder this year, and we did need some help with a few of the clues! He did anagrams, word searches, riddles and even put a clue on twitter, which was really funny! At the end of the hunt we found the eggs in the tumble dryer!

Mum and Graham went out for a walk so Zoe, Beth and I decided to make more Easter eggs hunts. They went of and started making one for me and I made one for them! I made them 14 clues and by that time they had done 3... and watched a film!

I did them a variety of clues too, including a puzzle, anagrams, mirror image, rhymes and wrote the blog post which is below (if you're wondering... it was inside a stuffed dog that has a zippy pocket) and I had them going that it was nearly the end as I wrote last one and various other stuff about it being the final clue. Fooled them :) I hid Zoe's egg in the oven and Beth's creme eggs in the cupboard next to the oven!

A little while later it was time for my Easter egg hunt, which consisted of 4 clues - haha! The first one was a quote from Celebrity Juice which said 'If I don't see you for a week, I'll see you through the ______' (answer is window).

On the bathroom mirror the clue said something like: it's hot and produces steam' - it was the kettle.

Underneath the kettle there was a clue, which said 'Where do you check for news and look at 'walls'?' - The answer was facebook so I went online to check for my clue and I found this:

Do the following! Write this out; Then follow from door:
3F + turn LEFT + 14F + 90*L + 9F + 90*R + 2 F + 90* R + 5F + 90*R + 2F + 90* L + 5F + 90*R + 14F + 90*R + 11F + 90*L + 5F + 90* L + 10F + 90*R + 1F + 90* L + 2F + 180* + 2F + 90*R + 1F + 90*L + 9F + 90*L + 8F + 90*R + Look around!

It was pay back for me messing them around with telling them it was the last one! I did one of these clues for them, but not this long, and I wasn't as mean! This route took me out of my bedroom door, upstairs, downstairs, outside, then back inside! Despite the fact that they had got L and R mixed up twice I did find the egg in the kitchen under the table in the end!

It was good fun, although like the child I am I would love to just search for chocolate eggs all day! But I don't think anyone will want to make any more clues haha!! They are all clued out, clueless!

Happy Easter everyone!!

An Easter Clue

Codeye have another clue? I hear you ask... 

3.) This clue is in a dog! Don't worry, not a real dog because that's probably illegal and also disgusting!

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Another GREAT Day!

Today turned out to be another great day! It started off with a nice pain au chocolate and a drink in a cafe with a friend, Moritz, who had come over from Germany for a little holiday! It was lovely, the breakfast was lovely, we had a really nice chat and then after we went to the beach and sat and played games involving throwing stones at rock towers! It sounds a bit stupid, but the simple things are sometimes the best!

After I saw Moritz I went home and it was just really nice sitting at the patio table in the sun! I even did some of my biology poster too! At least I could be outside and still do it. It was such a lovely day I wasn't going to waste it inside! 

After a while Zoe and he friend, Beth, came home and we sat in the garden just chatting about random things, such as Beth having a cod eye! ;)

And then this evening there was of course Britain's Got Talent, which I watched along with a nice bowl of popcorn and hot chocolate BUT Zoe and Beth came in my room to get the airbed and Zoe was chucking cushions at the back of my head, so I ignored her! Then... she goes and throws a quilt at me which goes over my head and into my bowl of popcorn, which STILL had stuff in! This obviously caused my popcorn to fly in various direction over the room... :( she said 'I knew that's what would happen, that's why I did it!' - Oe!! You meany... what a bitch ;) only joking... love you really! It is quite funny thinking about it now! 

Anyway, this is a list of a few of my favourites from Britain's Got Talent (click the names for links to YouTube):
  • Ted and Grace - So cute, the girl was a good singer too but the Grandad just made me laugh, he was adorable! 
  • Les Gibson, who impersonated Ant and Dec - So funny because his Dec impression was soooo gay! Doesn't beat Paul Burling from last year though though!
  • Pip and her little dog! - This one, aww!! The woman was such a good singer. At first I thought the dog would dance but then it started singing along too, which was soooooo cute! Loved it! 
  • Edward Reid - I just thought that it was so original and I loved it! At first I didn't realise he was singing nursery rhymes. It did take me a minute to realise. Very clever!
  • The matrix bodypoping dude - if you watched it then you know the one I'm on about! The Romanian guy! He was so original and he was basically crying at the end so I could see how much it meant to him! Bless!

Friday, 22 April 2011

Good Friday... yes it was!

I had a very unexpected lovely day today, as I wasn't really expecting to do very much! I woke up this morning and went into the kitchen to have my breakfast, and I saw that Graham was making some sandwiches... nothing really clicked at this point as I had just woken up! 

Then I saw him packing it into a cool bag and putting an ice pack in... I was then a little confused where he/we were going! I went into my sister's room and curled up in her bed (I was a bit cold) and asked her if we were going out... apparently we were going to a place with a castle and field! Thanks Zoe, very specific! 

I went and got dressed and Zoe moaned that they always end up waiting for me... when it fact it is because they don't tell me that we are going out until we are literally just going out! Anyway, there was no need for me to get dressed at that point as my mum had fallen back to sleep so we didn't go fro at least another hour! 

Once she was up and ready we all got into the car and we ended up in a place called White Horse Wood Country Park, which is somewhere near/inn Detling. We then went and sat at a bend, while we ate our lunch... of course I was the last person sitting there eating - as always! 

And here is a nice picture of my mum that Zoe took, with me looking special as ever!

After this we dumped our stuff in the car and went for a very short walk to the ruins of Thurnham Castle, where there was a big stone wall, some sheep, a big hill and some silly middle aged men with toy helicopters (complete with a helipad) who were constantly crashing into a bush when they could have used the massive field near the car park where they came from! Silly people! 

We went up the big hill to see if there were more ruins... there weren't but the views were quite nice!
 We were expecting there to be more ruins but... I suppose they are called ruins so there isn't going to be much of them! We then went round the other path way to find the iron age settlement, or something like that... there wasn't really anything much to be honest! But it didn't matter because it was a nice walk and it was sunny! 

After that we went to a pub in Chilham to have something to drink, which was lovely and then we went back home to the beach and sat there eating an ice cream! Lovely! And I got to dip my toes in the sea for the first time this year - such a good feeling!

Mum and Graham have now gone out to see their friends and Zoe has gone to her friend's house. James and Joely were going to go out to see my Nan and Grandad to give them something so I decided to go with them rather than being left all alone at home! It was really nice going there and it ended the day quite nicely!

So yes, it was a very good Friday! Thanks Jesus!