Saturday, 14 January 2012

My Beautiful Cat, Amy, Rest In Peace Baby

At Tuesday lunch time I arrived home from school to find my Mum, Stepdad and Sister in the hallway in tears. I can't explain to you the devastation that was on their faces, but instantly I knew something bad had happened! Zoe was stood there with her hand over her mouth as she looked at me, her eyes moved to the floor next to me, naturally I followed them. I looked to find my beautiful cat, Amy, in a crate on the floor - she looked as though she was asleep, but I obviously knew that she wasn't.

Either my Mum or Zoe, I can't remember who, told me she had been hit by a car and then the tears instantly rolled down my face and I began wailing as if I were a baby, and this continued for most of the rest of the day, until I eventually ran out of tears. It was honestly such a shock, something I never ever dreamt of happening - she was only 6, it isn't something you'd expect to happen to your cat... especially at such a young age!

Amy honestly meant to world to me, she was the most amazing, wonderful, beautiful and special cat in the world. She'd never fail to make me smile. I love how she'd willing explore everything she could, whether it be our drawers, cupboards, my desk or even the inside of Ella's crate. It was adorable and I loved it! I love, and already miss, the game she played on my door - I named it scratch and run... it is pretty self explanatory! It was annoying at times but it also made me smile and laugh too. I love the way she galloped with style down the garden path instead of walking and with that 'sexy bum' that she had (according to mum) she would elegantly swish her tail back and forth. I miss sitting at my desk and then Amy jumping up on to my lap, curling up and going to sleep. I miss her scratching on my door to be let in and then curling up on my bed, chair or floor and sleeping for hours on end! There are so many more happy memories that we will remember forever!

And even on Tuesday morning she made me laugh. I was just about to leave for school when I realised I hadn't opened my curtains. I stumbled over in the dark and threw them open, only to find Amy happily sat on the windowsill watching out of the window. I gave her a little stroke, said goodbye and left for school. 

I found the last photo taken of her, it was just last week I had made myself a hot chocolate and Amy made her presence known next to me on the table. I wanted to take a picture of my hot chocolate as it looked so delicious and while I was doing so with my webcam Amy sneaked into the frame of the photo attempting to get a little of the squirty cream, so so typical. 

I must thank the people across the road who found her, layed her so gracefully on a bed of newspaper in the crate and then came and found us to give her to us. She looked just as though she was sleeping and I think that helped to eased the pain a little for us, she looked truly peaceful. 

I cannot describe how much I miss her, she was honestly one of the family and she has made us all very happy throughout her life. I remember when we first got her I was greeted at the door by Graham with Amy sat in a single palm, oh so adorable with her oversized eyes and ears! 

♥ Amy, my beautiful cat, rest in peace, we will miss you ♥

29th March 2005 - 10th January 2012

Friday, 6 January 2012

Christmas and My Amazing Birthday

So it is now January, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all an awesome 2012! 

First of all I would like to say that I did actually solve the advent calendar problem, if I acted like a small child trying to open it rather then ripping into it, like come sort of crazed being, then I did actually have to break the tin foil. I just had to remember to be a child when opening it. That probably made absolutely no sense what so ever... but it works. 

You may or may not know that it was my 18th birthday on the 22nd and a couple of my friends, Dan, Amy and Maddy (mainly Dan), had been going on about my birthday surprise. Now I literally thought they were going to decorate the table at the meal or something but oh no... they can do SO much better than that!  At some point in the afternoon around 3pm I think, I was just in my room with my sister and I was checking out my new laptop, which by the way is gorgeous, and I realised I hadn't had lunch yet. I was literally just getting up to go and make some toast when I received a call from a very creppy Maddy, who had made it an unknown call to add to the creepyness, telling me that a package had been left outside my house and I was to get it, read the instructions and leave the house in approximately 5 minutes with Ella. 

Maddy then hung up before I could even say anything, but as you can imagine I was a little confused and so my facial expression was a mixture of :S and :O 

Anyway, I went to the door and there was a HUGE brown envelope (they had stuck lots of big ones together) with a little white envelope stuck to it with 'Instuctions' written on. Me being me was to excited and opened the big envelope first to find a Stephopoly (Steph monopoly) board. It was awesome, it had road names round my area and so I was confused what I had to do. Zoe, my sister, told me that I should probably have opened the instructions first, so I did that and basically I had to leave the house and follow the board round. I left the house with Ella and Zoe and started to walk down the road. My board told me to look out for a fellow blonde and the first thing I saw was a blonde haired girl at the bottom of the road and I immediately knew it was Katie. As we got closer I could see she was holding a balloon, something Ella had not seen before, and so there was a lot of barking and dragging and eventually Zoe ended up taking her home - too much excitement! 

She gave me a 'cheeky chance card' telling me to swap an item of clothing with her, Katie gave me a scarf and I forgot to even give her anything - fail. I then walked down an alley way to find pictures up of me on the fences and my friend Amy at the other end, who's chance card told me to pole dance on the next lamp post. I thought they were filming me so I only swung round it... soz. There was also something about giving someone a piggy back but I don't know where that fitted in. We then walked on to where the board told us and found my friend Dani, and later on Keely and then finally Tim. All had chance cards but I did not fancy begging the person on my left to squeeze my bum - Daniel you disturbed little boy. 

The board then led me back down my road and to my house, where I found a banner and balloons on the door and Happy Birthday music coming from my bedroom. I entered the room to find it decorated with more balloons and banners and Dan, Amy and Maddy having a little party in my room. We then hugged it out, because we are awesome like that and then they gave me lots of lovely cards and presents. 

Later on we went to Zizzi for my birthday meal, where we wore pirate party hats and threw table confetti at each other. Mature adults we are. At one point they all passed party poppers around the table without me knowing and then all at once popped them over me! After the meal the restaurant staff dimmed the lights and they all sang happy birthday to me while they brought out a cake Dan and Amy had made. Unfortunately I laughed and blew the candle out early... oops :( never mind. I was so stuffed from my meal I could not even have a small slice of cake, I had to leave it until the next day and it was DELICIOUS!!! 

After the meal we went into a pub and Imy bought me my first legal drink, a cider. And it was very nice too! After staying a while in the pub we went back to mine and then after a while everyone but Dani was gone and she traditionally always sleeps over for my birthday. 

It was, to say the least, the BEST birthday EVER! And I would just like to say a MAHOOSIVE, GIGANTIC thank you to the lovely Dan, Amy, Maddy, Imy, Dani, Amy, Katie, Keely and Tim for making it so awesome!! I do love you guys rather a lot!!! Also a huge thank you to all my family that came round in the morning to give me cards and presents, and well done all of those from keeping the secret - I had no idea what so ever!!