Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Art Courses

This afternoon after school, my sister and I were sitting at the kitchen table doing our homework. Zoe was doing some of her artwork and it made me think back to when I was doing my GCSE art 2 years ago and how I never really wanted to draw or paint the things they told me to. Yes, it was nice to have the guidance of what to do I suppose, otherwise I would have really been stuck. But then, I am not really an artist, I'm just thinking about the 'true artists' that were among those in my class. 

In my opinion I think that having a set structure for a subject in art actually restricts the 'true artists' from being able to work to the best of their abilities because art is something that is personal. Therefore, by giving a structure to something personal, this takes away a lot of the meaning and personality from the work. Perhaps one person is particularly good at drawing portraits and another at cartoon type things and therefore they might not be able to do well with the set topics they are given. For example, we had an African art topic where we studied patterns, masks, animals etc, but I think there were some people in the class that did struggle with this even though they really were good at art, but their OWN type of art. 

Perhaps what I am trying to say is the current structure for creative subjects does not give students the real ability to shine, which I think is a real shame. Zoe is doing well at art, I love the things she does and everything but she's rarely completely pleased with what she has done because she is such a perfectionist when it comes to art. I think she'd probably be happier if she was given a little more freedom to do what she wants, and not be limited to a topic that she may not like. 

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Online Shopping

The other day I logged on to facebook to find that I have been invited to Maddy's 18th birthday party, in which she clearly specified that dresses and suits must be worn. I obviously accepted but the thought of having to actually wear a dress kills me! Yes, I have worn them before at recent weddings etc but that was hard enough to find a dress that I actually liked and looked nice in. 

Even though this party is a month away, I thought it would be best to go and do a bit of online shopping to see if there was anything I liked the look of and I noticed a trend throughout the websites I looked at - the clothes models. They were all the 'perfect' size and therefore the pictures of the models in clothes are completely useless for anyone who is not the 'perfect' size as they have less of an idea whether the clothing would look any good on a slightly bigger person. Now I won't deny that I am not the 'perfect' size and I found it incredibly annoying because it means that I can't exactly shop online, as I am likely to be sending everything I buy back because the models give me no idea what so ever how it would look on a person a different size to the models.

I have no idea whether I am the only person that this annoys but it would be nice if there were a couple of different models for each bit of clothing, or at least a range of models used throughout the site, so that it would give people of different sizes a better idea of how it might look. But I suppose until they change I will go in store or deal with having to send everything back when it doesn't fit me... yeah I'll shop in store thanks! 

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Summer Goals and Back to School

Sooo, Monday was the day that I have been trying to forget about, back to school! How depressing. After such a lovely summer holidays I had to go back to school for another year. The only good thing about it was that I got to see all of my friends together again. And literally that was the only good thing. I won't go into it because it will bore you so instead I will just run through my summer goals and see what I actually did because I had forgotten what they were:
  • Go to the beach, but that goes without saying really. Hopefully the weather won't stop that one! - DONE, went a few times with friends/family and it was great... even took the pooch too.
  •  Finish Breaking Dawn as I haven't had time to read it. NOT DONE - to be honest I was more interested in Harry Potter.
  • Read AT LEAST one Harry Potter book. I know, it is shameful that I haven't read any!! - Oh yes, most definitely done. I loved the first one, managed to read it in 2 days and have recently started on the second.
  •  Have a boardgames day, not had one for ages. DONE and it was great fun.
  •  Finally make Jack his muffins, which I said I would do for his birthday... in March. Wow, that's bad. Sorry Jack if you're reading this. NOT DONE, but I'm planning to make them this month... hopefully.
  • Do my extended essay experiment and actually make it work! DONE... finally.
  •  Complete more of the A part of CAS. DONE, I went cycling a few times and also went geocaching ( it's like a treasure hunt, google it if you're interested.)
  •  Go and see the next Harry Potter - Hopefully on Wednesday.  DONE, I saw it on the wednesday with friends in 2D and then again quite late in the holidays but in 3D, was great in both cases! Such a good film.
  •  And to go with that last one, watch all the other ones too, just to reminisce.  DONE and loved it.
  •  Try and write some/ all of my personal statement. DONE
  •  Find some more good university courses I want to take.  DONEish, but still need to find more.
  •  See my friends. Especially those I haven't seen in ages. (Imy, Dani etc) DONE, and loved seeing them too!
 Well, lets see... I did 10 out of 12 things! Now I think that is pretty good! I'm pretty pleased with that!